Sunday, 23 November 2014

French humor

A Traditional French Christmas Dinner

For each family, there is a special way to celebrate Christmas, and especially a traditional french Christmas (eve) dinner. In France, we do share however some traditional étiquettes for the Reveillon de Noël. Every principal member of the family brings some gourmet specialties unique to his or her own region, generally from a particular reputable artisan (craftsman) or éleveur (grower/farmer).

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Typical mistakes while learning the french language - Part 2

High-Intermediate Mistakes in the french language

High-intermediate means your french language is pretty good - you excel in everyday situations, and can even hold your own in long discussions, but there are still some issues that you can't seem to get the hang of, or that you simply don't remember five minutes after looking them up. I've found that reading several explanations of the same issue can help cement understanding of these sticky issues, so here are ten of the most common high-intermediate French mistakes with links to my lessons - maybe this time it will finally make sense.

Old french advertisements

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Typical mistakes while learning the french language - Part 1

Typical mistakes made in french while learning

Beginner French Mistakes
When you start learning French, there's a lot to remember - new vocabulary, all kinds of verb conjugations, strange spelling... just about everything is different. It's normal to make mistakes, but it's in your best interest to try to fix them as soon as possible. The longer you make the same mistake, the harder it will be for you to get it right later on. With this in mind, this article discusses ten of the most common French mistakes made by beginners, so that you can fix these problems right from the beginning.