Sunday, 26 October 2014

French Christmas Customs

Christmas customs, originating in the Middle East, were introduced to France by the Romans. Reims was the site of the first French Christmas celebration when, in 496, Clovis and his 3,000 warriors were baptized. Bishop Rémi had purposely chosen the day of the Nativity for this ceremony. Other important events eventually took place on Christmas day in the following years.

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Useful sentences

Good evening
Good night (when going to bed)
 Bonne nuit
Hi / Bye
 Au revoir
Please (formal)
 S'il vous plaît
Please (informal)
 S'il te plaît
Thank you (very much)
 Merci (beaucoup)
You're welcome. (formal) (also Go ahead/After you)
 Je vous en prie.
You're welcome. (informal)
 De rien
Welcome (also You're welcome in Quebec)
See you in a little while
 A tout à l'heure
See you later
 A plus tard
See you soon
 A bientôt
See you tomorrow
 A demain
I'm sorry
 Je suis désolé(e)
Excuse me! (pushing through a crowd) / Sorry! (stepped on someone's foot)
 Pardon !
Let's go
 Allons-y !
How are you? (formal)
 Comment allez-vous ?
How are you? (informal)
 Ça va ?
Very good
 Très bien
I'm fine / I'm well
 Je vais bien
I'm fine (in response to Ça va ?)
 Ça va.
Not bad
 Pas mal
What's your name? (formal)
 Comment vous appelez-vous ?
What's your name? (informal)
 Tu t'appelles comment ?
My name is...
 Je m'appelle...
Nice to meet you
Mister / Sir
Mrs. / Madam / Ma'am
Ladies and gentlemen
 Mesdames et messieurs
Where are you from? (formal)
 Vous êtes d'où ?
Where are you from? (informal)
 Tu es d'où ?
I am from...
 Je suis de...
Where do you live? (formal)
 Où habitez-vous ?
Where do you live? (informal)
 Tu habites où ?
I live in...
 J'habite à...
How old are you? (formal)
 Quel âge avez-vous ?
How old are you? (informal)
 Tu as quel âge ?
I am ____ years old.
 J'ai ____ ans.
Do you speak French? (formal)
 Parlez-vous français ?
Do you speak English? (informal)
 Tu parles anglais ?
I don't speak Spanish.
 Je ne parle pas espagnol.
Do you understand? (formal)
Do you understand? (informal)
 Tu comprends?
I don't understand
 Je ne comprends pas
I don't know
 Je ne sais pas
Can you help me? (formal)
 Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
Can you help me? (informal)
 Tu peux m'aider ?
Of course
 Bien sûr.
I beg your pardon? / I'm sorry?
Where is... ?
 Où est ... ?
Where are... ?
 Où sont ... ?
Here is / are
There it is.
There is / are
 Il y a
There was / were
 Il y avait
How do you say ________ in French?
 Comment dit-on _____ en français ?
What is that?
 Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça ?
What's the matter?
 Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
It doesn't matter.
 Ça ne fait rien.
What's happening?
 Qu'est-ce qui se passe ?
I have no idea
 Je n'ai aucune idée.
I'm tired
 Je suis fatigué(e)
I'm sick
 Je suis malade
I'm hungry
 J'ai faim
I'm thirsty
 J'ai soif
I'm hot
 J'ai chaud
I'm cold
 J'ai froid
I'm bored
 Je m'ennuie
It's all the same to me.
 Ça m'est égal.
I don't care. (informal)
 Je m'en fiche.
Don't worry! (formal)
 Ne vous en faites pas.
Don't worry! (informal)
 Ne t'en fais pas.
It's alright.
 Ce n'est pas grave.
I forgot.
 J'ai oublié.
I have to go.
 Je dois y aller.
Bless you! (formal; when someone sneezes)
 A vos souhaits !
Bless you! (informal; when someone sneezes)
 A tes souhaits !
 Félicitations !
Good luck!
 Bonne chance !
It's your turn! (formal)
 C'est à vous !
It's your turn! (informal)
 C'est à toi !
Be quiet! (formal)
 Taisez-vous !
Be quiet! (informal)
 Tais-toi !
I love you. (formal & plural)
 Je vous aime
I love you. (informal)
 Je t'aime
Here (formal; when handing something over)
Here (informal; when handing something over)
What's new?
 Quoi de neuf ? 
Not much.
 Pas grand-chose.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

How to break through language barrier

With the invention of the airplane, the world got a whole lot smaller, and that meant learning to communicate with each other - and why not then learning the beautiful french language? Whether it is for business, pleasure or just a casual encounter, your chances of having to communicate with someone who doesn't speak English are greater than they have ever been before. But how do you break down that language barrier that is preventing you from understanding or being understood? It is possible, as long as you follow a few simple steps.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Advantages of learning a foreign language at an early age

Learning a new language at any age is an enormously rewarding experience in many ways. While language learning is an enriching experience for all ages, children have the most to gain from this wonderful adventure. Quite simply, starting early offers the widest possible set of benefits and opportunities.

People's relationships (The End)