Friday, 30 May 2014


SPECIAL THANKS to all the people who supported me in this adventure... Without your psychological (and technical!!!) help, this blog would never be... 
THANKS for your help, your time and ... your patience!
Special thanks to: Angie, Lisa, Vadim, Natacha 1, Natacha 2, Natacha 3, Ludmila & her sister, Alexandre, Inger, Becky, Megan, Michael, Natalia, Maya & her daughter, my Dad and everybody else who helped me out... especially with the translation, the correction and the re-reading of some of the texts...
From the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU EVERYBODY ! :-)

Friday, 23 May 2014


"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." 
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

It doesn’t matter why you decided to go abroad even if it’s just on vacation, the first experience you’ll usually get when meeting people is – answering their questions. ALL kinds of questions. From the simplest ones through the more complicated ones until the most intimate ones. You just have to accept it and deal with it the best you can to satisfy everybody. And I should confess that it is not always easy...

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Next questions asked to Foreigners...

How did you learn the language so quickly without any background?

Before coming to Russia, I already knew a couple languages, as I studied them at university and have already lived in different countries since I was 17.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014



2013: Certificate in Art Therapy, Institute of Psychology, Moscow, Russia
2007: Masters in Developmental Cooperation, free University of Brussels, Belgium
2005: Masters in Ethnology, Jussieu University Paris VII, Paris, France - Honours Graduate
2004: Masters in English LLCE (Foreign Language, Literature and Civilisation), University of Paris IV, Paris, France - Honours Graduate
2003: Bachelors Degree, English (speciality: French as a Foreigh Language) University of Paris III, Paris, France