Sunday 18 January 2015


How to “survive” in Russia and how to get the best adapted

Throughout this book, I gave many tips that could help any foreigner living in Russia (for a while or forever) even in the provinces: how to get dressed, how to behave with people, how to respect the country, what to do in your spare time, how to fight against depression, what to do with the language…and of course, how to be happy and take pleasure with all this.

I will just add that on my first long trip abroad from France at 17 (to the USA), I got a deep interest in people and from that, decided to get one of my university degrees – ethnology. I’ve always been interested in experiencing new things, (new sports, new places) and observing them (religious rituals, folklore, customs). And from everything I have experienced by now, I should confess that I met the most spiritual and wise people I met were in Russia. Many incomprehensive things happened to me here and if I have had the possibility of working on myself and writing this book, I guess, thanks to these gifted people; I just wanted to share with you the fantastic country where I have lived for 6 years already and I am waiting for you!

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